Law is a system of rules a society or government develops in order to deal with crime, business agreements and social relationships. The word is also used to refer to the profession of lawyers or judges, and the field of legal studies.
The purpose of law is to ensure a safe and peaceful society by forbidding certain actions and by punishing those who break them. For example, if someone breaks the law against stealing property they could be fined or put in jail. Laws also ensure that people have basic freedoms such as freedom of speech and religion.
A law is a set of rules that are made by a country or organisation and must be obeyed by everyone. It can be anything from a rule on how to drive to a law about what is considered offensive language.
Whether public or private, all law is based on principles and is enforced by judges. There are two main kinds of laws: criminal and civil. Criminal laws are used to punish those who commit crimes such as murder or robbery. Civil laws are used to resolve disputes between individuals such as divorce proceedings.
Legal rights can be created in many ways. One way is by explicitly naming them in a legal rule or judicial decision. Another way is by establishing legal relations that exhibit the forms and functions of a right without explicitly mentioning them. For example, ownership of land typically includes the legal power to gift or forfeit it to others; agency law empowers people to appoint others to take legal actions in their stead; and contract law empowers people to enter into contractual obligations.