How to Win at Poker


Poker is a family of card games in which players compete to make the best hand. They vary in the number of cards dealt, the deck configuration and the rules, but all involve one or more rounds of betting.

How to Win at Poker: 1. Study ONE Topic Per Week

If you’re serious about improving your game, the key is to focus on a single concept for an extended period of time. Too many players bounce around in their studies, failing to grasp any concept entirely and wasting precious time on topics that aren’t really going to help them improve.

1. Pick up Tells About Other Players

There are a number of common poker tells that can help you decipher other players’ actions at the table. One of the most obvious is to watch a player’s pre-flop bets. If a player bets or raises pre-flop, but folds to a flop bet, that suggests they’re a tentative player and may have a weak hand.

2. Beware of Slow Rolling

If a player has a good hand, but slow rolls the betting round – forcing other players to reveal their hands before revealing their own – this is a breach of poker etiquette. It isn’t a popular strategy and can have negative consequences for other players.

3. Playing with Friends

If you want to learn the basics of poker, the best place to start is at a local home game. This is an inexpensive and low-risk way to get a feel for the game, as well as a chance to meet new people in a social setting.

Posted in: Gambling