Gambling Addiction – Coping Strategies For Gambling Addiction


The act of betting something of value on an uncertain event, with the intention of winning something else of value. Instances of strategy are often discounted in gambling.

A common coping mechanism for people with problem gambling is using the activity to relieve unpleasant emotions or stress. For example, they may gamble to escape from a bad day at work or after arguing with their spouse. Developing healthier ways to soothe these feelings can help someone break their gambling addiction. For example, seeking therapy or engaging in hobbies that provide a similar excitement might be helpful.

Gambling is considered a risk-taking activity, which makes it an addictive behavior. It has been associated with substance use disorders, family and marital problems, debt problems, and other financial issues. It also has a significant impact on a person’s health. A person’s environment and community can also have an effect on their gambling habits.

Some of the most effective coping strategies for gambling addiction include finding healthier activities to replace this harmful habit, surrounding yourself with supportive people, and learning about your triggers. For instance, if alcohol or drugs trigger your urge to gamble, consider seeking treatment for a substance use disorder. You can also seek out marriage, career and credit counseling to work through any underlying issues that might be contributing to your problem gambling. Lastly, get rid of your credit cards, have someone else be in charge of your finances, and close all online gambling accounts.

Posted in: Gambling