Dealing With Gambling Problems


Gambling is the wagering of something of value, usually money, on an uncertain event with the intent of winning something else of value. Instances of strategy are discounted. This activity has been viewed as both harmful and beneficial. It can provide a social outlet, enhance critical thinking skills, and teach risk management. However, it can also lead to addiction, cause depression and other mental health issues, and damage relationships. There are many ways to deal with a gambling problem, including getting treatment and avoiding triggers.

Some people gamble for coping reasons – for example, to forget their worries or because they feel more self-confident when they win. This doesn’t excuse them from responsibility, but it can help us understand why they keep gambling and how they might overcome their problems.

Moreover, some individuals may choose to gamble as an opportunity for growth and a source of revenue. Others may find that gambling provides a way to relieve boredom or distress, and some research suggests that recreational gamblers are better able to cope with life’s stressful events than non-gamblers [111].

While it can be difficult to recognize a problem with gambling, there are ways to seek help. Many mental health professionals use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) criteria to identify psychological disorders, including gambling disorder. Symptoms include losing control of gambling behavior, needing to gamble more often, and making repeated unsuccessful efforts to stop or cut back on gambling.

Posted in: Gambling